Logo Design
The Plains Soul logo is a result of a love of horses and being involved with Indian relay racing. My father the late Ertis Ricky Fighter, and my brother Kendall Old Horn have been very involved in the sport over the years so, beginning in the late 1990s, I started making rawhide ponies painted like relay horses and placed on a bundle of sage. These became a staple Plains Soul product and a natural logo for the business.

Plains Soul loves to make over just about anything! I grew up with mothers and grandmothers who fashioned quilts, home décor and clothing from made over somethings and nothings. The bug never left me, and I find the same joy in upcycling as I do when I have a design and several hanks of beads in front of me. My upcycling includes repurposing belts, tooled leather purses, denim and leather in all forms, and a few great pieces of clothing.

Non-Indigenous Friends
Occasionally my non-Indigenous customers express concern that wearing or using my artwork may seem appropriative. In truth, my community much prefers to see folks buying original work by Indigenous artists rather than culturally appropriated work from big box stores. I believe your support makes you an ally to my community. Whenever you use or wear your new artwork please remember our bond and know as I work on each piece, I pray its keeper will be blessed and move forward in a good way. Please continue to educate yourself and advocate for the Indigenous peoples wherever you reside.

Plains Soul is located on the Crow Indian Reservation in southeast Montana. It’s a very rural area. We are located 8 miles from the nearest town and 13 miles from the nearest town in the other direction. Lucky for us both Crow Agency and Hardin have great U.S. Postal Service offices. All Plains Soul merchandise is shipped U.S. flat rate Priority Mail. Shipping outside the U.S. is additional and needs to be covered by the customer. Please message us for detailed out of U.S. rates.

In 2023, Plains Soul Studio opened on Carrie Moran McCleary and her husband Tim's property in southeast Montana. It is a retail space for Plains Soul fashion and beadwork, as well as an artist's studio for Moran McCleary. She has also turned the studio into a community space, hosting open houses where fellow Indigenous artists can set up and sell their work to customers who stop in. On Wednesday evenings, Moran McCleary hosts her popular Rock Your Beads Night from her studio, unless she is on the road for a fashion show, fair, or exhibition!